Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ponies and Puppies SUCK!

I have just been subjected to the worst pain known to a cynic. My partner for the last several weeks was happy. And, I am not talking about oh what a lovely day. This chick was the type that likes ponies, rainbows, puppies, kittens and thinks everything is wonderful. Like anyone I withheld the silencing sarcasm that would set this korean girl back to the rainy day she needed, until she crossed the line. We were on call in the OB unit and I was elbow deep in retrieving the after birth when the girl started making moose faces at me. All the flowery comments I had to endure and then this. Oh did I mention she was Canadian, another strike. So, I kindly asked to quit with happiness and stay away from me. So, as I sat waiting after the 30hrs call for the attending to show up and give a lecture my partner strolls in and sees me sitting calmly. She says, "It takes more muscles to frown then to smile." That was the last straw. I couldn't take any more of this Patch Adams wannabe. I quickly retorted, "It takes more to say dumb stuff than to keep your mouth shut." It was glorious. The look of bewilderment was as if I had just landed a hay maker right on the chin, TKO. Then off she scurried, I guess the kids at her middle school liked ponies too.