Thursday, September 13, 2007

TIA No Joke for a Neurologist

Well, today was like no other day. I got to the hospital at 4:30, so I could pre-round before my attending showed up at 6am. Things were going smoothly until we got to a Neuro consult on a patient who should have never been there. We had canceled the consult the prior day, which was made by another minion, but that won't stop the non-readers from doing it. Reviewing chart orders is a tough concept to grasp, especially when they change. Anyways, when the giant found out that some little minion had carried out the consult he decided to intervene and discuss the matter with the Neurologist. After conversing about the situation, the giant told the other that it was just a TIA and should not be worry about the situation. However, this did not go over well with the neurologist who did not think that TIAs were a laughing matter. I guess he didn't know that TIA actually means Totally Inappropriate Admission. I of course was leaning against the wall laughing my ass of as the situation unfolded. Seriously, I must be in some need of enjoyment since I found this situation the highlight of my day.