Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saving Lives and Sharing
So, today started out pretty slow. There were no patients for two hours, which isn't horrible because it allowed me to do other important things like: send emails, check stock and catch up on the constant reading. Around noon the office exploded with patients, and I got to actually use some of the information I have been reading in journals. It was kind of nice to know that I was not wasting my time. The steady stream of sickies slowed down around 3pm when I got my prize case of the day. The patient was coming in for refills, but little did he know that his BP could send Richard Branson to outer space. I finally got to practice some real medicine, and not that boring physical paperwork mumbo jumbo. While saving this man's life, he is having me discuss what the medication is that he should be taking and why he should. He wants to know if it is harmful to his kidney's or liver. I promptly respond that if he doesn't start taking his medication routinely that his liver and kidney's won't be bothering him, and that someone else will be exceedingly happy that he was non-compliant. I think that might have gotten to him, but if not at least I tried. If not for him maybe for the next guy to get to use his organs.