I have never been fond of the masses, and it is my belief that people are somewhat intelligent and reasonable if you are able to interact with them one on one. Well, that is complete shit and is definitely thrown out the window now after encountering a woman who spouted stupidity like water from a hose. My biggest problem was I couldn't find the handle to turn off her faucet.
I was doing routine school physicals on a family of five. Four children and one "spiritual" mother who was very "learn-ned" in the ways of keeping her children "healty." On one of the girls I prompted the mother that we needed to start her out on the new HPV vaccine. This shot series costs around 600 dollars, but because she was one of the privileged salts of the earth it was going to be free. After mentioning the new course of action, I was badgered with these strange sounds coming from the mother's mouth. All I could make out was: "I ain't no test monkey," "We ain't going to be no guinea pigs for you," "I gotta do da researched first" "Why some white doctor gotta tink just cause we black he can snob us," "See kids this is how yous suposed to handle peoples." So, I stepped back from the situation and proceeded to reevaluate. I decided that the time for me to laugh was soon but not at this moment. So, like any great doctor of the ghetto I finished my work with the family, and turfed them to some other guy to make is 20 dollars for an office visit.